How to Promote Your Brand Using Pinterest

How to Promote Your Brand Using PinterestPinterest is the latest platform to burst onto the social media scene. Its growth in 2012 has been staggering and it continues to gain traction among social media enthusiasts.

What is Pinterest? It is a website that allows you to place “pins” on your own “board” as well as “repin” from other people’s boards to your own. These pins are images and video content that represent your niche interests.

Essentially, then, pins serve as a way to identify your brand. Other people on this website can now react to your pin. They can comment on it, indicate that they “like” it or simply repin, or pin again, your images. When you pin, you also include a link back to the origin of the image or video. Furthermore, as with other social media sites, people can follow both your profile and the boards that you have created.

In addition, those who repin your content frequently tell other people about your pins through Tumblr, Twitter and Delicious. Interest in your pin can grow very quickly.

How Popular Is Pinterest?

Its growth has been remarkable. Consider these interesting Pinterest-related statistics:

  1. It has 12 million unique visitors a month
  2. It has more than 10.4 million registered users
  3. About 2 million Facebook users connect with Pinterest each day.

How To Avoid Brand Saturation

In relation to other popular social media platforms, Pinterest creates more referral traffic to your website than does the combination of LinkedIn, Google and YouTube. Naturally, therefore, brand saturation is something to be aware of on Pinterest. The question is, how do you separate your brand from those of other businesses? The answer is that you have to stay one step ahead of the competition.

5 Ways to Use Pinterest for Promotions

5 Ways to Successfully Use Pinterest to Promote Your Brand

1. Make it as simple as possible for people to repin your content.

This will help with your distribution throughout Pinterest. Add a code snippet to make it easy for others to repin your images. Avoid self-promotion– considered tantamount to bragging—which can turn people off and cause rapid credibility loss. Only promote your brand when it is relevant. Otherwise, just share your interests in relation to your niche. If, for example, you are a web store that drop ships consumer goods, you can talk about how recycling packages helps the earth.

2. Show your products in a unique way.

If you are a supplement company, you can talk about health and nutrition, not just the supplements that you sell. When you approach Pinterest in this manner, you will increase your comments and likes. More people will also find your content worth repinning.

3. Understand the demographics of the Pinterest community.

More than half are women between 25 to 45 years old. Appeal to their interests by talking about things that are of interest to women. If you only have a men’s line of products, then see if you can get women interested in recommending it to their men.

4. Be friendly.

You can do this by engaging others in conversations regardless of whether you are initiating or participating in one. You can also talk to those who have brands that complement your offer. Make it easy for people to find you on Pinterest by adding a “follow button” from your website to Pinterest. You can also add a “follow button” linking your Google , Twitter and Facebook profiles to Pinterest. Stay in touch with your other networks, too, so that you can interact between different social media platforms.

5. Keep tabs on what your efforts yield on Pinterest.

By keeping metrics, you can analyze what is working and discontinue what is not working. Also, keep track of the link between your website and Pinterest. Analyze what is helping you to build referral traffic. Ultimately, what you want to know is what referral traffic from Pinterest is producing leads and what leads are converting into sales.

If you would like more help with promoting your brand using Pinterest, contact the experts Marden-Kane to get your promotion launched quickly and effectively..